Tradr App performance

The aggregated results of the trading activity of Tradr App, our fully automated bot, since we made it publicly available in January 2019.

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How we calculate our track record

All the bets have been executed on Betfair’s exchange. To better compare our performances, we're presenting our P&L net of Betfair commissions considered at 2% with a one-unit flat stake. However, our staking plan is based on Kelly’s Criterion capped at 1%. The bets are recorded at the lowest odds placed by the end-users of our tech to present a more conservative track record.

Please note that our strategy is in continuous development. Therefore, the results you see are related to its different evolutions (from XG10 to PhoeniXG and to Synthesis). Our customers adopt the value betting strategy of their choice. By subscribing to our service, you benefit from the updates and improvements of the available strategies.

For a deep-dive into our trading philosophy check our methodology page, you will find out why our value betting strategies are market neutral, fully scalable and designed for long-term profitability.

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